02 November 2007


1. it's just 2-3 days holiday..before we proceed with our studies and project paper.
it'll be held at early 6th semester.just for fun..chill..hehe..we can take more pictures to be placed in the slideshow..

2. for annual year book,everyone will get one..we'll try to find way to get the cheapest and quality production..of course everyone want the colour printed one,right?
so,i suggest everyone to start your funding from now coz the cost of this book production may beyond your expectation..anyway, we'll put our effort in this project to satisfy everyone's need(in this case..everyone wanted the price to be cheap..hehe)

3. proceed from the slideshow,i've also wanted to produce a cd..all the videos and everyone's pictures will be included..hehe

4.the dinner will be held at restaurant instead of hotel..heh..coz if only 50 people..it'll cost about rm200 per person..haha..restaurant such as restaurant tasik indah(soraya's birtday celebration) will cost about Rm30+ per person..i think this one is better.

5.i also hv another idea..t shirt!!
some quote will be placed at the shirt.(yg gempak skitla)

then all of us will wear this tshirt on one day next sem..hehe(nampak cm unite skit)


Anonymous said...

wah..bagus idea ni.. t-shirt aku boleh try design.. -syahmitoo-

Yunilalala said...

wey, t-shirt tu make sure ad
unsur2 kewanitaan ckit
plus, jgn wat cm t-shirt skola
Lalala ~

Yunilalala said...

ehh, lpe plak nk ckp
i agree w all the ideas!!!

firra said...

psl t-shirt tue.. klau nak buat, please ade choice of size n ade t-shirt for gals cutting.. klau tak nanti membazir jek.. aku tak pkai..

psl dinner tue.. klau setakat kat restoran biasa, tak gempak arr.. kate nak slideshow n all.. we better get a hall in club or hotel.. bru nampak ade class n gempak.. we could get the stage n everything.. btw, mmg la it would be costly about rm50 per person maybe.. (diz just my opinion.. taktau la org lain setuju ke tak)

soraya_een said...

korang nk buat kat club ke? club shah alam i can try n ask la brape dia charge...tp club shah alam tak de la gempak pn...haha...tp ada la stage...haha...anyway,kalau ada stage ni,kna la ada org perform...haha...

Nads said...

haa... kite suruh ar sarah perform... die kn suke nyanyi... ngehehehehe (sgt jahat aku kn?)

tashizameri said...

i agree with all.. =)

Yunilalala said...

sarah perform!!!
aku ok, sbb aku dh tgk dier nyanyi cmne :)))))

sYaZz said...

setuju2!plg stuju ngn cd tu..hhehe..bestnyer..hm,kalu dinner aku stuju ngn firra,wat kt tmpat yg ade hall..=)