29 October 2007

something to be remembered before we graduated!!

hi guys..recently, i was thinking about outdoor programs for our last sem in uitm..hmm..there are several ideas that came into my mind..so, i need ur responses!!!

1. Family day-maybe we can go to resort,have fun,do some bbq..bla..bla..bla..
2. annual year book-everyone will need to do some biography about themselves..n a short quote maybe..n anything that you wish to share..
3. dinner(just for our class)-i mean we organize a proper dinner..n during the eating time..we'll play some slideshow just to recap our memories..hehe

p/s: just to inform,about the slideshow.,.please send ur images that ur wiling to share to faseha or me before our sem break..some hard work to be done for the slideshow..hope u guys send the images early..


Yunilalala said...

yg no2 . .
who's going to have the book in the end?
yg no 1 . .
bkn ke sara n the geng dh suggest
nk g holiday kat island mana2 after last sem?

firra said...

i'm agree with all the suggestion given.. n plzz.. we hav to proceed it.. we need to hav something to remember..

Nads said...

yg year book tu sume org dpt la kan? tp kalau nk buat mcm tu patutnye ada comittee dr awal... baru best buat...

yg pulau tu if u guys btul2 nak g and spend some (byk actually) money, anytime jadi...

kalau dinner for our class jer mcm tak meriah la pulak sbb... well, kite je yg ada xD

Yunilalala said...

dinner class ke je arr best
leceh arr nk combine dgn org lain . .
neway, ni pndpt aku je :P