29 September 2007

Diskusi: Bagaimana anda mendefinisikan ilmu?

Ilmu merupakan perkataan bahasa arab yang bermaksud pengetahuan . Ain Lam Dan Mim, Apakah yang sebenarnya dipanggil ilmu? Adakah ilmu itu sama dengan informasi? Pernahkah anda belajar sesuatu ketika anda kecil, dan apa yang anda telah belajar itu masih anda ingat sampai sekarang?. Adakah itu dipanggil ilmu?

Ilmu yang sebenar-benarnya adalah ilmu yang berada di dalam dada. Ilmu tidak ada pada buku. Buku adalah hasil output dari dada seorang yang berilmu. Adakah anda dapat menangkap perbezaan antaranya? . Bahasa yang kita petuturkan sehari-hari adalah ilmu yang paling-paling bermanfaat yang kita telah belajar dari sejak kita kecil. Anda setuju? . Kita belajar bahasa melayu melalui banyak cara seperti dengan diajar oleh ibubapa , mendengar percakapan orang lain, belajar di sekolah, dan banyak lagi sumber-sumber yang lain.

Cuba anda bayangkan kenapa saya katakan bahawa ilmu tentang bahasa pertuturan tu sangat bermanfaat. Contohnya ketika anda pergi ke kedai hendak membeli gula, jika anda tidak mempunyai ilmu bahasa untuk mengatakan "Saya nak gula 2 kilo." Bagaimana anda nak terjemahkan keinginan untuk membeli gula jika anda tak pernah tahu perkataan "saya", perkataan "nak",dan perkataan "gula"?

Tetapi disebabkan kita telah belajar ilmu tentang perkataan tersebut sejak kita kecil. Kita dapat melafazkan keinginan untuk membeli gula itu dengan mudah. Contoh ini adalah contoh yang sangat mudah untuk menunjukkan kehebatan ilmu yang ada di dalam dada. Walaupun ilmu bahasa itu bersifat universal dan global, tetapi ia masih tetap ilmu yang bermanfaat.

Pernahkah kita bertanya daripada manakah sumber ilmu ini yang sebenar-benarnya. Betulkah sebab kita belajar, oleh itu kita menjadi terpelajar dan berilmu?. Jawapan bagi soalan tersebut ada dengan jelas di dalam Al-Quran di dalam Surah Al-Baqarah.

Ilmu tentang nama setiap benda di dunia adalah antara ilmu yang paling awal sekali di ajarkan kepada manusia bernama Adam. Bukanlah Adam itu sendiri yang mengetahui nama setiap benda tetapi pada hakikat yang sebenarnya segala ilmu adalah milik Allah S.W.T.

Cerita yang disampaikan di dalam Al-Quran adalah cerita yang benar dan haq. Bukan cerita dongeng dan direka-reka. Jadi , kita tidaklah boleh menganggap remeh temeh tentang cerita yang diceritakan oleh Allah S.W.T sendiri di dalam Al-Quran. Setiap cerita yang disampaikan adalah cerita yang benar-benar terjadi pada suatu masa dahulu seperti kisah ini:-

Ketika Tuhanmu berfirman kepada malaikat-malaikat :
Sesungguhnya Aku hendak menjadikan di bumi itu Khalifah.

Berkata malaikat: Apakah Engkau hendak menjadikan di dalamnya orang-orang yang melakukan kerosakan dan sentiasa saling berbunuh-bunuh menumpahkan darah.
Sedangkan kami sentiasa bertasbih dan memuji Engkau dan senantiasa mensucikan Engkau.

Allah S.W.T Al-Hakim berfirman : Sesungguhnya Aku tahu apa yang kamu tidak tahu.

Kemudian Allah S.W.T mengajarkan kepada Adam [Asma`a Kullaha] maksudnya nama setiap benda-benda.

Kemudian Allah berfirman kepada Malaikat : Katakanlah kepada Ku , nama-nama itu jika betul-betul kamu orang-orang yang benar.

Maka, Apakah jawapan malaikat apabila mereka sedar bahawa jika Allah tidak mengajarkan ilmu tentang nama-nama itu kepada mereka, mustahil bagi mereka untuk mengetahuinya. Jawapan yang diberikan sangat hebat sekali sehingga dirakamkan dialog tersebut di dalam Al-Quran. Perlu diingat dialog itu benar-benar terjadi suatu masa dahulu. Anda tahu jawapan tersebut... Lihat video untuk mengingat semula...

Jika anda tidak tahu, carilah di dalam surah Al-Baqarah dimuka-surat yang agak depan.

Pengajaran yang diberikan olah Al-Quran sebenarnya adalah untuk menjadikan kita sentiasa beringat bahawa kita adalah milik Allah S.W.T. Walaupun kita sedang berada di dalam kelas sedang belajar subject-subject tertentu, tetapi hakikat yang sebenarnya , pemahaman tentang segala sesuatu itu datang dari Allah Yang Maha Bijaksana.

Semoga Allah sentiasa memberi taufiq kepada kita untuk sentiasa mencari Ilmu tanpa melupakanNya.

28 September 2007

huhu~~test! test personality!!

imagine u are lost in big2 jungle..names 3 animals u'll see..ikut turutan..hehe...don't forget to leave your comment!!=)

27 September 2007


sem lepas kami pergi camping kat cameron... best ooo!! huhu.. sbenarnya, suasana kat situ, mmg mcm kat SWITZERLAND!!! bila bngun pg, ko rasa mcm kat hutan luar negara... lagi satu, dia ada sume kemudahan, (surau,toilet, hall)...best owh... boley kita hiking, main masak2, jungle trekking, petik strawberi, tgk tempat teh boh, .. shoping pun boley!!! dkt dgn pekan!huhu... kita drive ramai2 pun boley kalo nak ke sana... huhu!!! jom la!! dua jam lebih je driving kesana... tol n minyak dalam RM40 lbh je (kancil)... huhu!!!

26 September 2007

ayuni...big secret

what do u think she's doing there?
a) throwing the bowling bowl
b) looking at the lane
c) look at her shoes
d) wishing for the strike

p/s: hahhaha.. ko nak saman aku ker?? aku ade 3 org backup n saksi kejadian...

25 September 2007

journal oh journal...

hm..slamat mempresent journal..aku dah agak dah..msti ttbe je en nazrul akan kate "journal present this week"..so selamat mempresent dan ucapan terima kaseh buat ketua kelas kesayangan kite 'syafiq' yang telah mencadangkan untuk wat powerpoint..terima kasih la sgt ye ...haha...gudluck utk take home test en nazrul jgk...owh...bznyer kiter...

tests & assignments -ASAP-

can anyone please give the exact submission date for every assignments and tests that we're going to have next week? i'm sooo clueless right now. TQ!

jom la!!!


kawan2ku... rasanya dah lebih kurang dua tahun kita bersama kat UiTM ni...

huhu.. tapi! blum sekali pun kita dpt wat trip yg agak2 jauhnye bersama2 kan?

kan ke best kalo kita dpt spend time together kat tempat selain kelas?

kan best kalo dpt gi vacation ke, picnic ke, camping ke...

tak payah la nak tnggu dh abis blajar br nak wat...

nnt masing2 ada komitmen lain plak..

huhu... best tau kalo kita dpt berjalan ramai2, kita gi tempat2 yg cantik2..

tasik ke, bukit ke... gunung ke...

huhu... jom la!!! :)

Love notes?

it seems like it's a routine now...everyday, i park my car n when i return 2 hours later, there it is...a love note from our beloved pak guard...haha...last week i was summoned 3 days in a row ( just like yuni)*wink*...or was it 4 days? haha...i can't be bothered to count anymore...i don't even mind anymore...(syahmi,dun worry,i'm catching up with u...who knows i might be able to break ur 'record'...haha)...because honestly, i don't see the logic of having such a big parking space but not allowing people to park there...i don't blame the pak guard 100%...they are doing their job...but i do think at least they should be more lenient...it's not that the staff do not have space to park...there's PLENTY of space...and ironically the staff do not even park in the spaces provided for them, they prefer to park near their offices (which do not happen to be proper parking spaces, by the way)...it's funny, we pay the fees, so technically we're clients of UiTM because we pay for their service...in any organization, shouldn't the clients needs be of top priority?
this situation reminds me of when i was in school...i was a prefect back then...it was a rule among the prefects that u must submit 5 names of students who broke the school rules every week...a good prefect should be able to provide more than 5 names...each prefect has this little black book where they will write the name of the 'wrong doers' n submit it to the head of discipline by the end of the week. the head of discipline would then check our books and comment on our progress. she will write 'good' if we were able to submit 5 names or more but if we get less than that she'll write 'teruskan usaha' or 'cuba lagi'. i've always thought that there's sumthng wrong with the system but i never said anythng bout it...it just makes me wonder, is a good pak guard one who issues the most summonses?is that how they measure the productivity of the pak guards? coz if it is, then it's no wonder they're actively issuing summonses everyday,haha...

Mengubah Perspektif Cinta

Boys and Girls !
Spend sometimes to read this book.
It will changes your perspective about love.
So powerful and i read it twice !
by Habbiburahman El-Shirazy.
Scholars from Al-Azhar University.

Sedikit sedutan dari buku:-

Memang istirehat di dalam flat sambil menghidupkan pendingin udara jauh lebih nyaman daripada berjalan ke luar rumah,
meski pun sekadar untuk solat berjemaah di masjid.
Panggilan azan Zuhur dari ribuan menara yang bertebaran di seluruh pelusuk kota hanya mampu menggugah dan menggerakkan hati mereka yang benar-benar tebal imannya. Mereka yang memiliki tekad beribadah sesempurna mungkin dalam segala musim dan cuaca, seperti batu karang yang tegak berdiri dalam terjangan ombak , terpaan badai dan sengatan matahari.
Ia tidak kenal keluh kesah , tetap teguh berdiri seperti yang diperintahkan tuhan sambil bertasbih siang malam.

Atau seperti matahari yang telah jutaan tahun membakar tubuhnya untuk memberi penerangan ke bumi dan seluruh pelusuk alam maya. Ia tidak pernah mengeluh , tiada pernah mengerang sedetik pun menjalankan perintah tuhan.


Perbanyakkan Membaca , Menulis Dan Merenung

Di antara sebab-sebab yang dapat melegakan hati adalah dengan mempunyai ilmu yang banyak, pengetahuan yang melimpah dan wawasan yang luas.Selain itu, fikiran juga dalam , pandangan yang jauh ke hadapan, penguasaan tentang ilmu yang dipelajari, dan kemampuan mengungkap hakikat segala sesuatu.

Orang yang berilmu mempunyai dada yang lapang , hati yang tidak sempit , jiwa yang tenang dan wawasan yang luas.

Ilmu akan bertambah dengan banyak diajarkannya dan akan berkurang jika dipendam begitu sahaja

Seorang pemikir barat menyatakan "Saya mempunyai diari harian yang tebal yang disimpan didalam laci pejabat saya. Di dalamnya tertulis ;"Kebodohan-kebodohan yang saya lakukan". saya tuliskan semua kesalahan , ketelanjuran dan hal remeh-temeh yang saya lakukan pada siang dan malam hari agar saya dapat menghilangkan semua itu."

Ulama-ulama terdahulu telah lama melakukan hal yang tersebut. Umat islam sentiasa perlu melakukannya dengan bermuhasabah secara mendalam dan mengawal diri dengan ketat.

Imam Hasan Al-Bashri mengatakan:-

"Seorang muslim lebih banayak bermuhasabah diri sendiri daripada menilai temannya".

Rabi` Bin Khutsaim selalu menulis apa yang dia ucapkan dari hari jumaat ke hari Jumaat yang berikutnya. Jika apa yang diucapkan selama seminggu itu baik, maka dia akan memuji Allah, dan sebaliknya jika buruk, maka dia akan beristighfar.

Seorang ulama dari kalangan salaf berkata: "

Aku pernah melakukan dosa selama 40 tahun yang lalu, dan aku pun memohon kepada Allah agar mengampuni dosaku. Dan aku sentiasa memohon kepadaNya keampunan atas dosa yang selalu membayangiku itu hingga saat ini.

Ada 3 kesalahan yang selalu berulang dalam hidup kita sehari-hari, iaitu:

Pertama: Menyia-nyiakan waktu.
Kedua: Membicarakan perkara-perkara yang tidak berguna.
Ketiga: Memperhatikan masalah-masalah yang bersifat remeh.

Marilah sama-sama bermuhasabah , memperbaiki diri bersama-sama di bulan Ramadhan Yang diberkati ini..


Event: Berbuka & Bday Celebration

This is a video taken on the day of our bebuka dinner (24th Spet 07).
Happy birthday to Beeha, Nad and Wanie.

Enjoy the vid.

22 September 2007

saman? 3 times in the row!!

Lalala ~ i don't know how many of you guys that are as fortunate as me. i've got ticket from our beloved pak guard, 3 times in the row in 1 week!!! call me lucky. anyway, do our lecturers even need all those parking space??!!!!! they even park in the OKU spot ok?? so where's the logic in this problem? i'm so pissed at that particular pak guard and i hope that 1 day i'll be able change his retirement benefits to something that the world bank will consider below poverty line. haa, in your face!!

20 September 2007

adik nurin jazlin

adik nurin jazlin. she was 8 yrs old. with bright eyes and also a bright future ahead of her but her life was ended brutally by someone that are so barbarous, sick & inhuman. that kind of incident shouldn't have happened in malaysia. i hope police officers will continue their search for the killer and execute the death sentence (gantung sampai mati/keluar bijik mata) to the killer in front of the public. so then, no one even dare to think about doing something as sick as that to anyone else.

al-fatihah to adik nurin. you're in the Allah swt care now.

Apple 'Mecca' Rising

Apple centers for iPod di tengah-tengah bandar Manhattan. Macam pernah tengok bangunan ini.

19 September 2007

jamuan berbuka beramai2

merujuk kpd perkara di atas, saya ingin mengemukakan cdgn utk berbuka puasa bersama (cs222) memandangkan ini adalah puasa terakhir kte bersama2. after this, sure x jmpe dh. so, aper kata kte wat jamuan berbuka puasa? saya hanya m'beri cdgn . .

Totally Unrelated

Well, hope u guys are already informed that our Miss Beyonce is coming to town for her world tour concert. She will be performing on the 1st of November if I'm not mistaken, but the venue is still not confirmed.

The thing is, there is no details or whatsoever information regarding her concert on the internet. If any of u guys heard anything or have certain reliable sources of information, do share! Semangat giler nieh nak pergi..Jom kiter meramaikan jemaah jemaah concert ituh...lol!

and Selamat Berpuasa.

18 September 2007

hello from a newcomer ;p

hi guys..just drop by to say hi..emm..(cam jauh lak kn,padahal jumpe je tiap2 hari kat klas..huhu)
emm..act,i'm concern FM exam more than our final..haha..sounds weird but that's the real thing..to tell the truth, i have been spending almost RM2000 for all the past SOA exam..but none i've pass..so,hopefully this coming november will be the first SOA paper i pass in my history..heh..
so,to all my fellow friends who has not yet try to sit for any SOA exam..my advice is..just give a try..no matter how much u spend,whether u pass or fail..just try to sit..because it's really a good experience..hehe..eventho zarul also didn't pass the exams on the first hand..but he never give up..see how he's now..graduated with 3 SOA papers..impressive..hehe..so,i think i want to have at least 2 paper when i gradute..go go chaiyuk amad!u can do it! ;)

Habit 1 : Be Proactive

Be proactive is the key unlocking all the other habits and thats why it comes first. Habit 1 says "I am the force. I am the captain of my life. I can choose my attitude. I am responsible for my own happiness and unhappiness , I am in the driver`s seat of my destiny, not just a passenger."

Each day you and I have about 100 chances to choose to be proactive or reactive. Let take an example if you are driving on the road and someone suddenly cuts in front of you, making you slam on your breaks? What do you do?

The choice is yours. Be reactive of proactive.

Reactive people makes choice based on impulse. They are like a can of COKE. If life shakes them up a bit, the pressure build and they suddenly explode."Hey bodoh!, menyusahkan orang.. Get out of my lane!"

Proactive people make choices based on values. They think before they act. They recognize they can`t control everything that happens to them, but they can control what they do about it. Proactive people are like water. Shake them up all you want, it remains cool without pressure. They are calm and in control. "I`m not going to let that guy me upset and ruin my day."

The key to get into the habit of being proactive so that you can run on it autopilot is try to be proactive by "thinks before you act" 20 out of 100 times on average each day, and by the time goes by, try to increase it to 30 times a day, 40 times..and so on.. until it becomes your habit.

Make sure your life is in your control. You have the remote control in your hand. Don`t let others to control it for you.

~muehehe~ Habit 1 will be continued ...

16 September 2007

if money = nothing

let say, money = nothing and people are living happily together no war, no poverty, no malady. so that means we can study whatever we want right? (ooo common, we all know why we took actuarial sc in the 1st place. hint: money)

what type of course that will you take? (and i know that there'll be someone with smart brain says that he/she doesn't even want to study). personally, i'll take something fun like world ancient history (so i can go and dig dinosaurs bones. Lalala ~) or maybe event management or maybe art and design. so what do you take???

Drop-kan E-mail Anda

Kepada sesiapa yang berkeinginan untuk post something about their views, experiences, or just want to have fun posting-posting.. Sila drop-kan email anda di dalam comments untuk post ini.
Open for CS222 part 5. But before that, check your e-mail box.. Maybe aku dah send invitation..

Thank You.

15 September 2007

journal! journal! journal!

i don't know bout u guyz, but i find summarizing journals so frustrating! i've been trying to summarize my jounal since this morning, but i still haven't manage to do so...reading the abstract is enough to put u to sleep, let alone the whole journal...my group's journal is on standard risk aversion(yawn!)...it sounds simple, (that's why we chose it in the first place) but it's actually really complicated...i think we've chosen the wrong topic...now we have to find another topic...actually, i've already found another topic...hopefully, this time around it's much easier to understand...how r u guyz doing?

14 September 2007

New Face

Wow ~ syahmi, i didn't know you have a feminine side!!!
purple + pink is just soooooo feminine . .
Lalala ~

p/s : mmg ko yg ubah color kn?

Nice Illustration

ENT Product Of The Year

guess who???=)

"best choice is no choice"
"death is certain,life is a possibility"
sape terrer cepat teke!

saje nak wat korang sume rase cam byk keje..
things to do :

  1. siapkan journaL
  2. ENT (presentation on marketing + technology)
  3. forum (for those yang dah present jgn nk belagak)
  4. oral individu and kumpulan 9for dak2 arab la..hehe)
  5. and of course,study,study and study...hhuhu~~


en mad is the best!

en mad lg best la yunie..lamenye die x mengajar...hu..

13 September 2007

Clear The Records

Assalamualaikum, alhamdulilah we are still enjoy our life until we meet this year of ramadhan. A month full with blessing from Allah S.W.T which has many extra and extra "pahala" to be gain through the way until Hari Raya. What is the most important things that man always "terlepas pandang" in this month is that the glorious night , the most precious moments, the record-cleaner night , the night better that a thousand night is in front of us. It`s around the corner !.

I have abundance of bad track records and maybe my name is already blacklisted in the book of Allah S.W.T. I am like a man who has done a lot of criminal in front of My Lord. A man who constantly forgot who he is, where he came from, where to go next, what is the purpose of his creation, always unsatisfied with what his Lord have ordained for him. I`ve got a bad track records. People cannot see my "sin", if "sin" is smellable , i`m the most smelly person in the whole universe i think.

But wait a minute, i`m on the ramadhan right now. I am still survive. My roll model said something in my ears , do you hear it? If you don`t , let me tell you what he said ..

On the authority of Hadrat Abu Hurairah, the Holy Prophet said: The one who remained standing in worship in the state of belief and for the sake of rewards from Allah during Lailat-ul-qadr, would have all his previous sins forgiven."(Sahih Bukhari and Muslim)

Masyallah, do you understand what does it mean. That`s means if i did not missed that night , i will be free from my criminal records. I am out of my jail. My track record is clean. I`m free like a baby who just came out from his mother`s womb to see the world with his own eyes.

It is once in a lifetime opportunity. Why is it so?. Because no one knows whether he or she will survive until the next ramadhan. Do you know? .Sure you don`t . I don`t even know whether i will survive until the next hours , next 30 minutes , or even the next minutes. Its very scary to think about it. But for sure i`m happy still living to this ramadhan and insyallah we will together meet the glorious night of Laila Al-Qadr. The night where the angels came down to earth to bring down what Allah has ordained us for the next year.

Allah Almighty says,
"Truly We sent it down on the Night of Power.
And what will convey to you what the Night of Power is?
The Night of Power is better than a thousand months.
In it the angels and the Spirit descend by their Lord's authority with every ordinance.
It is Peace – until the coming of the dawn."
(Surat al-Qadr: 97: 1-5 )

Masyallah, look at the last ayat. "Salamun hiya hatta mathla`il fajr". Wooo.. wait a minute.. What if allah find me sleeping on that night?. Oh, there must be a very bad perception from My Lord or a bad ordained for my life next year. I don`t want to accumulate my sin and brought it forward until next year. Moreover, we know the power of compounding right. Do you get it? When you reinvest your "sin" until the next accounting period. It is compounded. Here`s the equation:

Dosa at age 22 = (Dosa at age 21 )(1 + i) , where i is stands for the ignorance.

Muehehe.So i already have a plan. What i have to do is that i will make sure i will not missing the important night in my life. So what are you going to do?. One more request "Please pray for me after you read this". ~Muehehe~


try this website : www.happytreefriends.com
the cartoons are cute but evil-minded
better than anime, i guess
Lalala ~

11 September 2007

mr hanafi vs mr sam

Lalala ~
i think i'm in love with both mr hanafi + mr sam
both hv unique styles but totally opposite
mr hanafi : - cool - so not TDH!!! Lalala ~ - all weird facts are packed in his head - sooo gorgeous when wearing his glasses - plus he said he'll try to teach (using the real teaching methods) us next sem - uhohhh, i like it when he starts to talk about his past :D - his x-gf name was nurani. if plus yu between a and ni . . almost sounded like my name!!!!! Lalala ~
mr sam : - always late (good thing) - very TDH - soooo gorgeous when wearing his glasses (like mr hanafi) - Lalala ~ i'll never forget this one, he said happy studying to me!!!! and me alone :D - i like his smile - he is sooo macho!!!! - and when he's in mr hanafi merz, he has to bend his head a little. now that's sooooo cute!!!!
OMG, aper yg aku buat ni!!! ptg ni ader test en nazrul, bley dok gatai2 lg kat page ni. Lalala ~

hello to all...

yeay! finally...a blog for cs222! haha...i've always wanted to blog...but i've never created a blog 4 myself...bcoz i'm sure i'll be too lazy to update it and eventually i'll run out of ideas...anyway, i think setting up this blog was a good idea...this way, i can still drop my two cents worth without having to update often...and of course, kalau dh ramai2 contribute tu, i don't think we'll run out of ideas,eh?hehe...
so,i was wondering why this blog is called two-to-two talk...yeah,yeah,i know what it stands for now...haha,lambat pick up betul...so for those of you who don't get it...it's actually 222...get it? hehe...jadi, saya berharap blog ni akan mendapat sambutan n warga2 cs222 skalian ramai2 la memeriahkan blog ni,hehe...
by the way, good luck to all for en nazrul's test tomorrow! and happy fasting to all!

10 September 2007

Congratulation To Puan Azizah

Unexpected engagement.. Very extra hot peri-peri news..
Puan Azizah = Very cheerful
( +) Engagement = Happy
Happy To the maxx

Ya Allah, sempurnakanlah segala-galanya.. Amin..


09 September 2007


as we all know
our earth are getting warmer and warmer
due to the greenhouse effect
so to reduce the effect
let us join hands together and join
plant - it - forward plan
in this plan, all we need to do is just
to plant one tree and ask anyone else
to plant one tree too . .
so when everybody plant one tree
we can have almost million of trees in KL!!
so what are you waiting for
go and start planting a tree now!!!

(ceh, bersemangat waja lak aku ni)

SUNDAY 9th september

justine henin did it again
she won her 7th title in the US OPEN today
she slammed world no 4 svetlana kuznetsova 6-1 6-3
not the best game but worth watching
can't wait to see federer in final tomorrow
Lalala ~
another breaking news
pn azizah got engaged today
it was a HUGE suprise for us
who thought we were going for a tahlil
but all i can say is
best of luck and may allah bless you both

08 September 2007

let's blog..

to all cs222 student batch 0508..jom meramaikan blog ni..untuk tatapan ari tue..kisah klasik untuk masa depan..he..


we (yuni, shazzy, fira, far and jo) planned to have a bowling tournament for
our class since there's nothing else to do, besides studying for our tests. who ever
interested, may voice their opinions to us because we just planned this out of blue.
we still don't have any idea as when, who and where this tournament will be held.
so , come on boys and girls!!! let's bowl!!!

Life is about this...

04 September 2007

Selamat Menyambut Ramadhan

Alhamdulilah, segala pujian bagi Allah S.W.T yang memberikan kehidupan sepanjang tahun ni.
Semoga ramadhan kali ni digunakan dengan sebaik-baiknya supaya dapat meningkatkan iman dan takwa kepada Allah S.W.T.

It`s time to control your nafs. Syaitan is leaving us for a moment.. Grab the opportunity to do 'amal soleh' as best as we can..Insyallah .. we will meet the 'lailatul qadr', seeking forgiveness from Our Lord..



A lot of reading material for only 2 days crash-course.
But just answer the question of:
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Muehehe~ Mr.Hanafi always the best...

Then, including the historical book of mathematical insurance.
Long-long time ago, forgot everything already..


01 September 2007

Life is an Open Secret

Life is an open secret.
Buku aku untuk minggu ini. Sangat bagus dan sangat-sangat memotivasikan diri. Penulis buku ni adalah seorang muslimah yang menceritakan kisah-kisah kehidupan yang berlaku setiap hari. Mengadunkan motivasi + al-quran + sunnah Rasulullah S.A.W dengan pemahaman orang awam/orang-orang kebanyakan tentang hadis Rasulullah S.A.W. Written in a very simple english languange because ada tajuk yang dikemukakan oleh penulis tentang "Sharpen your Communication Skills".So, she walks the talk.

Great to have one. Get it. Only RM21.90 cents at MPH.

A must-have motivational book for everyone. Especially, ketika assignment berlambak-lambak dan mengusut-ngusutkan pemikiran.
