18 September 2007

hello from a newcomer ;p

hi guys..just drop by to say hi..emm..(cam jauh lak kn,padahal jumpe je tiap2 hari kat klas..huhu)
emm..act,i'm concern FM exam more than our final..haha..sounds weird but that's the real thing..to tell the truth, i have been spending almost RM2000 for all the past SOA exam..but none i've pass..so,hopefully this coming november will be the first SOA paper i pass in my history..heh..
so,to all my fellow friends who has not yet try to sit for any SOA exam..my advice is..just give a try..no matter how much u spend,whether u pass or fail..just try to sit..because it's really a good experience..hehe..eventho zarul also didn't pass the exams on the first hand..but he never give up..see how he's now..graduated with 3 SOA papers..impressive..hehe..so,i think i want to have at least 2 paper when i gradute..go go chaiyuk amad!u can do it! ;)


soraya_een said...

go go chaiyuk amad! hehe... i know u can do it...we can do it!hehe...

Yunilalala said...

"go go chaiyuk amad"???!!
agak pelik klu ckp utk diri sendiri
Lalala ~
anyway, good luck kat korg yg nk amik exm fm!!!!
lulus belanja!!!