25 September 2007

Love notes?

it seems like it's a routine now...everyday, i park my car n when i return 2 hours later, there it is...a love note from our beloved pak guard...haha...last week i was summoned 3 days in a row ( just like yuni)*wink*...or was it 4 days? haha...i can't be bothered to count anymore...i don't even mind anymore...(syahmi,dun worry,i'm catching up with u...who knows i might be able to break ur 'record'...haha)...because honestly, i don't see the logic of having such a big parking space but not allowing people to park there...i don't blame the pak guard 100%...they are doing their job...but i do think at least they should be more lenient...it's not that the staff do not have space to park...there's PLENTY of space...and ironically the staff do not even park in the spaces provided for them, they prefer to park near their offices (which do not happen to be proper parking spaces, by the way)...it's funny, we pay the fees, so technically we're clients of UiTM because we pay for their service...in any organization, shouldn't the clients needs be of top priority?
this situation reminds me of when i was in school...i was a prefect back then...it was a rule among the prefects that u must submit 5 names of students who broke the school rules every week...a good prefect should be able to provide more than 5 names...each prefect has this little black book where they will write the name of the 'wrong doers' n submit it to the head of discipline by the end of the week. the head of discipline would then check our books and comment on our progress. she will write 'good' if we were able to submit 5 names or more but if we get less than that she'll write 'teruskan usaha' or 'cuba lagi'. i've always thought that there's sumthng wrong with the system but i never said anythng bout it...it just makes me wonder, is a good pak guard one who issues the most summonses?is that how they measure the productivity of the pak guards? coz if it is, then it's no wonder they're actively issuing summonses everyday,haha...


Anonymous said...

i am just speechless after reading how ur school system worked coz its just might be possible tt uitm is implementing that (which is so not appropriate). *sigh*

Not that im affected in any way concerning the parking summons :P ....but yea it is creating problems to the students. So should we do something about it, n if we should, wat can we do to speak our rights as a student? (drama plak)..Coz i really think its necessary to speak out.

syahmitoo said...

i have no feeling bout all my "saman".muehehe~

Cuma bila pagi-pagi kena naik tangga yang tinggi , bahaya, dan curam tu .. rasa tension gak .. Lebih baik aku jual kereta MyVi and then beli escalator gantikan dengan tangga tu..


Vote for me to become your Yang Dipertua..sure i tegakkan keadilan di bumi Ftmsk..

Poyo la plak..

Anonymous said...

syami mane hang nya prinsip nak create a paperless world...summons take up a lot of papers...so kite kene buat sesuatu huahua

JePz_huhu said...

Syami! pilihanraya dah dkt! cpt submit pencalonan!
kami sokong ko.... hahahaha

soraya_een said...

syahmi! ko dh t'lmbt la...dorang br je umumkan calon2 mpp tgh hari tadi...haha...dgr kata ada 2 laki, 2 perempuan...so maybe,just maybe kte akan dpt vote for the 1st time...hehe...anyway,lets just hope mpp kali ni bleh solve our parking problem tu...

soraya_een said...

oh,lupe plak...saiful...how come u tak kena saman keta eh? haha...tension btl...where do u put ur car?

firra said...

about wut so just said. it reminds me of school time. back then i was a prefect too... there is such rules however my teacher never mention that we must hav atleast 5 summons... so.. i'm alwiz be the prefect yg malas tulis saman.. but marah time tue jugak... if ade budak buat silap. hahha
regarding pak guard.. well.. finally i but the student sticker.. which should be allowed student to park.. but i dunno wut the significant of it?? wut a waste...

Yunilalala said...

is this the 'what goes around comes back around' case?
soe pernah tulis nm sesapa x dlu??
Lalala ~

Anonymous said...

hehe my car has a camouflage feature where it will turn invisible to eye of the pak guards whos hunger of summoning people is vicious and unstoppable HAHAH *evil laugh*

ps-sbnrnyer ader sticker staff

Yunilalala said...

saiful main tipu!!!!!
x aci arr

soraya_een said...

cheh!patut la tak pnh kna saman...tension!tension!haha...anyway,kte tulis nama org tu dh lama la...masa form 1, form 2 dulu...takkan skrng br nk come around kot?hahaha...