22 January 2008


Lalala ~
strange things happen when you're least expecting it. suprise2 it did happened to me this morn though.
i decided to change my project paper to developing a product on child protection insurance which btw, we (shazzy, fhad n me) explained to the class this morn (what a blast. never thought we can get that kind of idea in a desperate attempt to impress ms haslifah).

here's some features abt this "new product":

1 - it will be a group insurance
- yesss, the whole kids in the nation will be protected under this "new product"
- eliminates the unique insurance (no Llyods)
2 - since it is a group insurance, the premium will be lower and will be calculated using takaful model (pinjam mcjah pny model).
3 - the benefit will be used to cover the costs involve in the "searching" activities.
- then, there will be no conflict of interest
4 - the insured is the child and the beneficiaries will be the search party (police squad, sharizat :P etc)

so, please, my dear friends, if you have anything to add just leave a comment or commentS. td dlm class ms haslifah korg ckp laju + byk sgt, so aku x dpt nk amik points yg bley digunakan.



Anonymous said...

ak x paham ape mksd "no conflict interst" n nape bkn mak die jd benficiries???

Yunilalala said...

kire ny nnt parents x akan melakukan sebarang perbuatan yg x ptt kat anak2 diorg (culik anak sndri). klu mak dier jd beneficiary, then myb mak dier bley je culik anak dier n then amik lak benefit tu.

Nads said...

point ko yg no. 4 tu mcm kenal jer kan =p anyway, nnt kalau aku ada idea, aku inform k...

p/s: nape la aku slalu mengemukakan idea utk org lain? project paper sendiri lum siap2 lagi *haish*

Yunilalala said...

Lalala ~
lpe lak nk letak nm ko
no worries, nnt aku ltk dlm acknowledgement aku
TQ nads :))

tashizameri said...

i am a little bit confuse about this product..xpaham sgt..there're some ques in my mind..

1. based on national ins...kalau semua budak ade kidnapping insurance, maybe kidnap akan menjadi2.parents pon xkisah ngan anak die sbb dorg bayar premium,which is pulangannya lg besar jika anak hilang...kalau bukan national ins, parents akan hati2 jaga ank dorg sbb premium yg dibayar tinggi...dan mgkin jika anak dia xdiculik dlm 18 thn tu..dorg akan dpt balik duit tu kan...?

2. bila ade ank yg kne kidnap..misti masyarakat akan marah coz parents xjaga anak dorg ngan baik,alih2 duit masyarakat yg bayar insurance ni gak digunakan tuk kepentingan famly yg hilang anak tu...

3. ape akan jadi pada parents yg bayar premium tp anak die tak diculik?wp premiumnya mayb rendah....bayangkan...rm10 p.a x 18yrs x 10 org anak...= rm1800.sedangkan yuran sekolah pun ibu bapa risau..apetah lagi premium nih?ape akan jadi pada keluarga miskin?

4...erm kalau lari ikut bf camne?cam kes2 budak bawah umur lari ikut bf?kira culik x?

ini la kemusykilan yg buat i'm a little bit confuse with this product..pepun,selamat maju jaya...ceewah!

Yunilalala said...

Lalala ~
TQ tashi di atas pndgn anda
anyway . .
utk soalan yg 1st tu . .
mmg menimbulkan konflik jgk tp menurut ms haslifah, kte adalah org yg menyediakan product bkn penegak keadilan tp aku rs aku akan proceed bende alah tu sbg insurance biasa. tp biler wat cm product biasa je, bkn ke kes utk culik bdk2 yg diinsured kn lg tggi ke? sbb for sure arr yg bli insurance ni utk anak2 diorg adalah org dr middle n upper class kn?
aku nk wat national sbb premium akan murah so dpt tlg org2 yg pndpt di bwh poverty line + govt pon akan tlg ckit. biler msyrkt sedar yg duit diorg digunakan utk protect bdk2 ni, musti diorg lg bersmgt mmbantu utk mencegah bdk2 dr kne culik. btol x?
pastu, setiap insurance company, ader diorg ny investigators sndri kn? kte pon tau yg ins co mmg ssh nk byr benefit. so ins co akan cek setiap kes dgn pnuh ketelitian. klu bdk tu lari ikut bf diorg, aku rs tu still kes culik bcoz diorg still bwh umur.
bg soalan yg no3 plak, ble parents dh stat pikir cmtu, diorg akan stat merancang keluarga utk bajet brape bil anak yg diorg mampu utk jaga. lgpon, klu ader anak 10 org . . x kn arr selang 1 thn je anak tu kn? musti ada abg/kakak diorg dh stat keje + bley tlg parents utk byr utk adik2 diorg plak

TQ tashi . . tetiba aku dh dpt idea nk wat smthng. tq sesgt . . klu ader idea lg, ckp je arr eh?