31 January 2008

Oh MalaysiaKu, Apa Nak Jadi Dengan Kau?

Banyak betul kes penculikan kanak-kanak semenjak dua menjak ni..
Cuba tengok ni..

Sisters almost abducted by man offering sweet from van

TWO children were almost abducted by a man sitting inside a van who lured them with candy while they were playing outside a restaurant in Puchong, Sin Chew Daily reported.

He tried to pull the five-year-old girl into the vehicle when the girl came to get the candy but the girl’s sister, 12, who saw the incident, ran to her rescue.

He tried to drag the older sister in as well.

However, when he saw a woman coming by, he abandoned his attempt and drove off.

A police report had been lodged by the girls’ parents, it reported.

Huh..Selamat ke macam ni...
Cuba bayangkan lagi 10 tahun akan datang ...macam mana keadaan nya..
Bayangkan anak-anak kita nanti.. Nak kena gari diorang kat tiang rumah ke?

Dad : Sharlinie Mohd Nashar is asthmatic and needs her medication whenever she starts wheezing.

“Whoever took our little girl, please return her to us because she is asthmatic.

“Every time she starts wheezing and has difficulty breathing, she'll need her medication. Even eating ice-cream can cause her to start wheezing,” her father, wireman Mohd Nashar Mat Hussain, 29, said after a press conference here yesterday.

Doakan lah untuk dia.. Sedey sangat..

29 January 2008

Di manakah gambarmu wahai sahabatku sekalian...

wahai sahabatku sekalian...
siapakah di antara kalian yang mahu gambarnya disiarkan dalam di dalam 'slide show'?
diharap dapatlah kalian memberi kerjasama menghantar gambar2 tersebut secepat mungkin agar proses penyiapan 'slide show' tersebut dapat disegerakan..dan diharap janganlah kalian semua menganggapkan bahawa tugasan ini dapat hamba siapkan dengan begitu 'gempak' kerana tiadalah hamba kepakaran dalam menjalankannya..hanya serba sedikit pengalaman yang dapat hamba gunakan sebagai petunjuk dan rujukan..kepada sahabat-sahabat perempuanku sekalian..sesungguhnya tiadalah hamba miliki koleksi gambar-gambar terdahulu kerana gambar-gambar di dalam simpanan hamba telah hilang dek kerosakan 'hard disk'...hanya gambar-gambar kenangan manis kita bersama di Port Dickson yang hamba miliki...terpulanglah kepada kalian semua cara mana ingin menghantar gambar-gambar tersebut...sekiranya kalian semua memiliki idea-idea atau pandangan-pandangan menarik yang dapat disumbangkan, diharap dapatlah kiranya dikongsi bersama...hanya ucapan terima kasih yang dapat hamba berikan sebagai balasan...

warkah pujangga,
A Seha Said @ Aspaleha
*cintailah budaya dan bahasa kita*
q"n n"p
((+++)) -senyum sokmo-

22 January 2008


Lalala ~
strange things happen when you're least expecting it. suprise2 it did happened to me this morn though.
i decided to change my project paper to developing a product on child protection insurance which btw, we (shazzy, fhad n me) explained to the class this morn (what a blast. never thought we can get that kind of idea in a desperate attempt to impress ms haslifah).

here's some features abt this "new product":

1 - it will be a group insurance
- yesss, the whole kids in the nation will be protected under this "new product"
- eliminates the unique insurance (no Llyods)
2 - since it is a group insurance, the premium will be lower and will be calculated using takaful model (pinjam mcjah pny model).
3 - the benefit will be used to cover the costs involve in the "searching" activities.
- then, there will be no conflict of interest
4 - the insured is the child and the beneficiaries will be the search party (police squad, sharizat :P etc)

so, please, my dear friends, if you have anything to add just leave a comment or commentS. td dlm class ms haslifah korg ckp laju + byk sgt, so aku x dpt nk amik points yg bley digunakan.


19 January 2008

Death Bond : Profiting From Mortality

Death bond is a bond backed by underlying assets which is the pool of unwanted life insurance policy. Usually done by hedge-fund or bank (it seems like they are hedging against insurance company's profits) :) .

At first stage, it is operated by life-settlement company.

What is life-settlement company?

Imagine your grandpa whose age 70.He has a Whole Life Insurance with a face value of RM 100,000 that is payable of course when he died. But your grandpa is running out of cash to further paying the premiums. What he can do is he can sell the policy to the third party called life-settlement company.

Life settlement company will pay to your grandpa some portion of the face value (i.e 20% to 40% of the FV) and the company then continue to pay for the premium on behalf of your grandpa to keep the policy in force until your grandpa died.

When the times come, they company get the total cash value. Of course they will expect your grandpa to die as soon as possible so that the premium paid will be much lesser.

Of course if you gamble for the life of one person, the risk will be higher. A pool of these unwanted policy will spread the risk and consequently give out a stable return (around 8%) to the investors and they aren't correlated with the performance of stocks, bonds, commodities, or other investments.

Before the emergence of life settlements, customers who no longer wanted coverage can either:-

  • Stopped paying the premiums.
  • Sold their policies back to their insurers for a fraction of the potential death benefits--the so-called cash surrender value.
Insurers have long banked on and enjoyed on not having to pay on a certain percentage of their policies. According to the Wall Street Journal, the insurance industry earns annually 1.1 TRILLION DOLLARS in lapsed policies. Now a secondary market has emerged. Life settlements eat into those profits.

So what the insurer have to do ?

They're getting into the game. How?

They buy the
life-settlements package. By sinking money into the sector, insurers can get back at least some of the money they now have to pay out in death benefits. If someone is going to profit, insurers have realized, it might as well be them.

But , i can't find life-settlement company in Malaysia by "googling" through Google. Do we have one?

Don't you think they(people who sell the policy) are more expose to being murdered? Huhu. Majnun!* .

Can we make an Islamic Death Bond? Muehehe.. You're nuts! Any comments.

*all the data may be in the category of "Sahih" "Daif" or "Maudhu'".
* Majnun means crazy in Arab.

Staying Alive!

C`mon guys, be active in posting new agenda. It can be in any forms (news or story) and we can discuss it all over here. Lets start to make this blog sounds a bit more educational. Start posting something on economics , finance , investment , insurance , mathematics and banking.

For example :

What are the factors that weaken the US dollar ?
The "death bond" ? Life insurance settlement?

It's interesting isn't it? We can be well updated to the current economy.
Do you agree? Please leave some comment. =-)

16 January 2008

amalkanlah demi keselamatan bersama


1. Doa Mengelakkan Diri Dari Dirogol :

Terjemahan : “Ya Allah, sekiranya Engkau mengetahui bahawa aku beriman denganMu dan RasulMu, dan aku memelihara kehormatanku hanya untuk suamiku, maka janganlah biarkan aku menjadi mangsa orang kafir dan orang zalim”.

2. Doa Mengelakkan Anak Dari Dirogol :

Terjemahan : “Ya Allah, sekiranya Engkau mengetahui bahawa anak perempuanku beriman denganMu dan RasulMu, dan dia memelihara kehormatannya hanya untuk suaminya, maka janganlah biarkan dia menjadi mangsa orang kafir dan orang zalim”.

14 January 2008

best x g PD aritu??

salam..amacam trip pg pd aritu? nak tau gak ape respond korg...best ke, x best ke...bg aku, memg best..kalo bleh, kt wat lg nak? gian nak mndi pantai lg..hehe..

10 January 2008

sunyi jer~~~

uikss!!nape blog kite sunyi sgt ni??tau x kite nk g PD weekend ni?cheer up!!hehe..aku tau korg sume bz cr tajuk,cr method,wat draft..xpe2,diz weekend kite tenangkan fikiran di tepi pantai ye..jgn ension2..he,aku lum siap draft lagik!=p

03 January 2008


diz is a message from encik ahmad firdaus bin abdol malek...
photostat price for actex 160 = RM10.50
survival model = RM15.00
trip to PD = priceless huhu... (RM70)
pls pay it on monday class.
thank you.
diz message is brought to you by adik Syafiq. Huhu...

01 January 2008

Apa Erti Saya Menganut Islam?

Agenda 2008: Apa Erti Saya Menganut Islam?

Posted By Abu Saif On January 1, 2008


“Apa erti saya menganut Islam?”, tidakkah soalan itu soalan yang tidak patut ditanya?

Tidak masuk akal untuk seseorang itu menjadi Muslim tetapi belum pernah memikirkan erti keIslamannya. Memilih sesuatu tanpa mengetahui apa yang dipilih?

Tidak… bukan begitu soalannya. Selama ini tidak pernah pun membuat pilihan, melainkan segalanya diterima secara kebetulan. Islam warisan. Islam yang turun dari emak ke anak, sebagaimana turunnya warna mata dan kerinting rambut.