16 December 2007

class trip!!!

skrg ni kemungkinan besar kt akan g portdickson for 3D2N on 11-13 Jan..mybe akan sewa bglo kat bt 8 betul2 dekat ngan teluk kemang..bglo tu mmg besar coz max 40 org..ktorg suggest boys n girls duk skali..ade 1 bilik kat bwh n 6 bilik kat ats..so, boys duk bwh n girls duk ats..about food, farah mencdgkn kt amik catering je, so spnjg kt kat sane terjamin la sket pemaknn kt ni..ala2 duk asrama la..hehe..ade brkfs-lunch-dinner..k, about transport, kt akan sewa bas, tp kena ade 1 kete yg follow..coz kalo ade ape2 emergency sng la..so sape nak bwk kete bg tau la..duit minyak bas n kete +sewa bas+ tol akn dikira sama rata.. ;)


beeha said...
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beeha said...

kalo korg nak tgk bglo tuk click kat cni

Anonymous said...

ok this sounds exciting...but..mcm tak aci that guys is gonna be crammed up in 1 room! tak aci la...at least bg la 2...or 3 is better :P

i knw girls need this privacy of some sort so that we wont peek at their hair, but believe me, theres a lot of other interesting things to peek on (a smell of sarcasm)..

Nads said...

ok jer beeha =)

ala eps nih... 1 cukup la kat bwh tu... u boys can have like the whole grd floor if u wanna =p

beeha said...

ala eps..kalo rase ko ni pmpuan, ok je join ngan ktorg kat ats..hehe..erm, ade org cdgkn pg ngan kete..wut bout u guys?? mane yg lg murah ek??

Anonymous said...

u know how the ground floor can be kan..bilik air dier mesti mcm sgt tak best..im so joining the girls i dont care..haha! watever lah but it does sound exciting..i wld be more comfortable driving kot.

***farah*** said...

me vote for driving!!!
heheheeh..furthermore (skema seh perkataan) murah sket kot compare ngan bus....a bus would cost around 1K....

beeha said...

hmm..ade yg x stuju kalau boys n girls duk srumah..ktorg akn cuba dptkn aprtmnt 4 boys..tp mybe jauh sket dr bglo tu..

Nads said...

nape tk setuju? kalau risau kt letak pagar kat tangga :D hahahha

beeha said...

ktorg da dptkan apartment 4 boys tp jauh sket la kat batu 9..[i think eps will happy 4 this coz x yah nak crammed up in 1 room kan?]hehe..so, ape kate kt g naik kete? sng sket boys nak berulang..sape2 yg nak bwk kete g PD plz respond earlier..mybe dlm 6-7 kete coz clas kt dlm 36 org [menurut syafiq]..nway, salam aidiladha!!! ;p

firra said...

i setuju bawak keta.. malas skit nak naik bas.. but if nak naik bas, might as well everyone naik bas, takyah bwk keta lgsg..
psl tempat tido pulak, aku setju duk satu banglo.. senang coz everyone in one houz.. well, cadangan nadia letak pagar tue interesting gak.. hahahh =P anyway i think our classmate guys semuanye cam baik2 kan.. takkan buat kerja tak patut kan (heheh.. ye ker?)
about makan pulak, nanti ade catering from there ker?? i tak paham lagi about food..

Nads said...

hahah... baik la kot budak2 tuh... i know eps will behave himself...

beeha said...

hmm..ade parent yg x berkenan boys n girls duk serumah..so, bglo 4 girls n aprtmnt 4 boys..tp any activities bleh wat kat bglo tu n that bglo tu jg dkt ngan pantai..well, about transportation, amad [as ketua projek] suggest kt pg ngan bas..dia risau kalo naik kete x ramai yg nak bwk..so, kt kena pkt2 la sape yg nak bwk kete kalo x nak pg ngan bas..

beeha said...

There are plenty of water based activities to do in Teluk Kemang. Apart from swimming at the sea, beach goers can enjoy the banana boat ride or canoeing. For more adventurous stuff, you can try the jet-ski rides, water- skiing and para sailing. If you want to venture further, you can hire speedboat to go to other nearby beaches and small islands along the coastline of PD. Unfortunately the sea here is not really suitable for snorkelling.

Located at Teluk Kemang beach, PD Town Square is the main venue that play host to most of the beach resort's ceremonial activities, such as the annual Port Dickson Festival and new years eve countdown party. At the square, there is a Tourist information Office, stage for performances, open air arena and children playground. Food and souvenier stalls are also located close to the square. For children (and parents who want to keep their kids away from the beach), they can always enjoy either the horse, bicylce or miniature 4WD rides at the square.